Erich Rembeck - Sportorthopädie
Focus List Top-Doctors Knee Surgeon Signage 2021

Focus List Top-Doctors Knee Surgeon Signage 2020
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Diseases of the Spine
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ATOS Clinic

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Sciatic Pain
With the help of the Lasègue-Test, in which the patient lies on his back and slowly raises the affected leg, the stimulation of the sciatic nerve can be reproduced. If during a placement angle of under 60° a corresponding pain on the posterior surface of the thigh occurs, a positive test can be classified.

Fur further clarification, X-rays as well as MRI or CT are indicated. Symptomatic sciatic pain can be treated with pain and anti-inflammatory medication as well as with antibiotics or antivirals. Frequently, selective image- intensifier-guided methods can also be used.

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81925 Munich

Tel: +49. 89. 92 333 94-0
Fax : +49. 89. 92 333 94-29

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Your spezialists at the ER Centre

Dr. Erich H. Rembeck

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