Erich Rembeck - Sportorthopädie
Focus List Top-Doctors Knee Surgeon Signage 2021

Focus List Top-Doctors Knee Surgeon Signage 2020
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Diseases of the Spine
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Sliding of the Vertebrae
The spondyolisthesis depicts an instable condition, in which a vertebral body slides mostly forwards therefore resembling a step.

Belonging to the most frequent causes, are on one side, a congenital gap formation in the region of the vertebral arch, and on the other, degenerative signs of wear in terms of structural loosening, which can lead to a sliding process due to "loosening" of the stabilising capsule-ligament-disc-apparatus. In many cases back pain is predominant, which can be accompanied with one-sided or two-sided leg pain. The cause of this is due to the accompanying occurrence of narrowing of the spinal canal or the corresponding nerve root outlet canals due to the growth of bone or ligaments.

Sliding of the vertebrae can be verified with conventional x-rays. The undertaking of an MRI scan can also provide important information about the entire severity of the illness, the spinal canal and the neural structures. The possible therapies conform to the principal clinical pain and the radiological reports. With principal leg pain the sole decompression of the nerves is also possible with a minimally-invasive technique. However, the stabilisation of the affected segments is necessary in some cases (e.g. principal back pain or pronounced instability). Here the slipping vertebral body will be brought back into its original position with the aid of a screw-stab-system and the intervertebral disc will be replaced with a rigid place holder (cage). The decompression of the nerves additionally occurs if required.

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Dr. Erich H. Rembeck

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